Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Snow Leopard arrived @ 11am 28.08.2009

My Snow Leopard arrived @ 11am 28.08.2009 I am going to upgrade it heheeee...

As usual, nice packaging with a calm and cooling Leopard on the sleek cd cover box. It took me around 54 mins 12 sec to upgrade my Snow Leopard. Inside come with Snow Leopard Installer disc, apple sticker, Snow Leopard brochure and support manual. After install Snow Leopard, i did feel the apps are much more faster than 10.5.8. Amazing fast...The shut down function is way faster than old system. Even my colleague (he is using Window 7 currently) is impressive by its shut down speed within 5 seconds.

My testing were shown as below.

Leopard Snow Leopard
Start up 45.2s 30.7s
Shut down 11.4s 4s
Hardisk Space 85.41GB available 92.35 available (which means 6.94GB reducing)
iPhoto 6.9s 4.5s
iMovie 14s 11.2s
Adobe Photoshop 13s 10s
Adobe Illustrator 20.3s 15.2s